Fill in the fields to get access to the online demo version of Webkassa
5 steps to knock out a demo check in the Webkass. It takes 3 minutes:
1. Enter the demo version. To do this, enter your name and phone number. An SMS with a code will be sent to the specified number.
2. In the top field, select a demo cashier from the drop-down list. Don't worry, this is a test box. Its use does not entail any tax liability.
3. Click on the "Sale" button on the right and in the window that opens, specify the name of your fictitious product, its quantity and cost. After filling in the fields, click on the "Add" button so that this position appears in the check.
4. After filling in all the positions in the right window, select the type of payment: cash, card or mixed. Click on "Knock Out Check".
5. The received receipt can be printed or saved on the computer.